October 21, 2009

Images from Arbolito

A piece of our garden

Regulars at Semilla's

July and our cancha at Semillas (concrete soccer field)

Neighbor's laundry
Typical Bonfire on our street

Sunset from our roof, my favorite hobby everyday at 6pm


Unknown said...

Great pics, Dan!
THose kids appear happy and well dressed. Not what I expected. Also Mother Nature has left some beauty in the midst of all the poverty. Lovely flower and gorgeous sunset!
It musn't be very windy there - the clothes hanging on the lines have no clothes pins!
Do send pics of yourself - with beard!
Take care. Love, Aunt Yvette

Unknown said...

Hi Dan,
Thanks for the pictures!! They really create a mosaic of images from Duran. Glad to see the beautiful flowers growing in your "concrete jungle". I think I would look forward to this sunset as well! Hope all is well!
Love you so much! Mom